Contesting political parties

  1. Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party
  2. Advance Together
  3. Alba Party
  4. Alliance
  5. Alliance for Democracy and Freedom
  6. Alliance For Green Socialism
  7. Alliance for Workers' Liberty
  8. All People's Party
  9. All The South Party
  10. Alter Change - Politics. Only Different.
  11. Al-Zebabist Nation of Ooog
  12. Animal Protection Party
  13. Animal Welfare Party
  14. Anticapitalists - Workers Power
  15. Aontú
  16. Apni Party
  17. Apolitical Democrats
  18. Ashfield Independents
  19. A Vote Against MP Expense Abuse
  20. Beer, Baccy and Scratchings
  21. Best of a Bad Bunch
  22. Better for Bradford
  23. Birkenhead Social Justice Party
  24. Blaenau Gwent People's Voice
  25. Blue Environment Party
  26. Blue Revolution
  27. Bournemouth Independent Alliance
  28. British Democratic Party
  29. British Independents
  30. British National Party
  31. British Unionist Party B.U.P.
  32. Bromsgrove Independent Conservative
  33. Burnley and Padiham Independent Party
  34. Bushra Irfan of Blackburn
  35. Cambridge Socialists
  36. Campaign
  37. Campaign for Independent Politicians
  38. Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol
  39. Chesterfield And North Derbyshire Independents (CANDI)
  40. Children of the Atom
  41. Christian Movement for Great Britain
  42. Christian Party, Proclaiming Christ's Lordship
  43. Christian Peoples Alliance
  44. Church of the Militant Elvis Party
  45. Citizens for Undead Rights and Equality
  46. Citizens Independent Social Thought Alliance
  47. City Independents
  48. Class War
  49. Clause 28, Children's Protection Christian Democrats
  50. Climate Party
  51. Common Good
  52. Common Sense Party
  53. Communist Future
  54. Communist League Election Campaign
  55. Communist Party of Britain
  56. Communities United Party
  57. Compass Party
  58. Concordia
  59. Confelicity
  60. Consensus
  61. Conservative
  62. Count Binface Party
  63. Cross-Community Labour Alternative
  64. Cumbria First
  65. Cut The Deficit
  66. Democracy for Chorley
  67. Democratic Labour Party
  68. Democratic Nationalists
  69. Democratic Reform Party
  70. Democratic Unionist Party
  71. Demos Direct Initiative Party
  72. Digital Democracy
  73. Direct Democracy (Communist) Party
  74. English Constitution Party
  75. English Democrats
  76. English Independence Party
  77. Equal Parenting Alliance
  78. Europeans Party
  79. Fairer Voting Party
  80. Fancy Dress Party
  81. Fight For an Anti-War Government
  82. Freedom Alliance
  83. Freedom and Responsibility
  84. Free Public Transport Party
  85. Friends Party
  86. Get Snouts Out The Trough
  87. Give Me Back Elmo
  88. Greater Manchester Homeless Voice
  89. Green Party
  90. Green Party Northern Ireland
  91. Guildford Greenbelt Group
  92. Gwlad Gwlad
  93. Hampshire Independents
  94. Heavy Woollen District Independents
  95. Heritage Party
  96. Hoi Polloi
  97. Hugh Salmon for Battersea Party
  98. Humanity
  99. Impact Party
  100. Independence for Scotland Party
  101. Independence from Europe
  102. Independent Alliance (Kent)
  103. Independent Ealing Acton Communities Public Services
  104. Independent Kidderminster Hospital and Health Concern
  105. INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
  106. Independent Network
  107. Independent Oxford Alliance
  108. Independent People Together
  109. Independent Save Our Green Belt
  110. Independent Save Withybush Save Lives
  111. Independents Federation UK
  112. Independents for Bristol
  113. Independents for Direct Democracy
  114. Independent Sovereign Democratic Britain
  115. Independents to Save Queen Mary's Hospital
  116. Independent Voice for Halifax
  117. Integrity UK
  118. Islam Zinda Baad Platform
  119. Justice for Men & Boys
  120. Justice Party
  121. Keep It Real Party
  122. Kingston Independent Residents Group
  123. Labour
  124. Land Party
  125. Left Unity
  126. Liberal
  127. Liberal Democrat
  128. Libertarian Party
  129. Liberty GB
  130. Lincolnshire Independents Lincolnshire First
  131. Liverpool Community Independents
  132. Local Liberals People Before Politics Party
  133. Magna Carta Conservation Party Great Britain
  134. Mainstream
  135. Mansfield Independents
  136. Manston Airport Independent Party
  137. Matriarchal Party United Kingdom Great Britain
  138. Mebyon Kernow - The Party for Cornwall
  139. Medway Independent Party
  140. Middle England Party
  141. Money Free Party
  142. Money Reform Party
  143. Motherworld Party
  144. Movement for Active Democracy (M.A.D.)
  145. National Front
  146. National Health Action Party
  147. National Liberal Party - True Liberalism
  148. Nationwide Reform Party
  149. Newham Independents Party
  150. New Independent Centralists
  151. New Millennium Bean Party
  152. New Open Non-Political Organised Leadership
  153. Nobody Party
  154. No Candidate Deserves My Vote!
  155. Northampton - Save Our Public Services
  156. North of England Community Alliance
  157. Official Monster Raving Loony Party
  158. One Leicester
  159. Open Borders Party
  160. Party for a United Thanet
  161. Party of Women
  162. Patria
  163. Patriotic Socialist Party
  164. People Before Profit
  165. People Before Profit Alliance
  166. People First - Gwerin Gyntaf
  167. Peoples Party Essex
  168. Pirate Party UK
  169. Plaid Cymru
  170. Population Party UK
  171. Populist Party
  172. Portsmouth Independent Party
  173. Propel
  174. Proud of Oldham & Saddleworth
  175. Psychedelic Movement
  176. Putting Crewe First, Independent Residents Group
  177. Putting Croydon First!
  178. Rebooting Democracy
  179. Red Flag - Anti-Corruption
  180. Reduce Tax On Beer
  181. Reduce VAT in Sport
  182. Reform 2000 Party
  183. Reform UK
  184. Rejoin EU
  185. Renew
  186. Residents for Uttlesford
  187. Respect Party
  188. Restoration Party
  189. Restore the Family For Children's Sake
  190. Rochdale First Party
  191. Save Hartlepool Hospital
  192. Save King George Hospital
  193. Save Us Now
  194. Scotland Against Crooked Lawyers
  195. Scotland's Independence Referendum Party
  196. Scottish Family Party
  197. Scottish Green Party
  198. Scottish Libertarian Party
  199. Scottish National Party
  200. Scottish Socialist Party
  201. Scrap Members Allowances
  202. Shropshire Party
  203. Sinn Féin
  204. Social Democratic & Labour Party
  205. Social Democratic Party
  206. Socialist Alternative
  207. Socialist Equality Party
  208. Socialist Labour Party
  209. Social Justice party
  210. Solihull and Meriden Residents Association
  211. Something New
  212. Southampton Independents
  213. South Devon Alliance
  214. Southend Independent Association
  215. Sovereignty
  216. Space Navies Party
  217. Staffordshire Independent Group
  218. Stockport Fights Austerity No To Cuts
  219. Swale Independents
  220. Taking The Initiative Party
  221. Tamsin Omond to the Commons
  222. Tendring First
  223. The 30-50 Coalition
  224. The Above and Beyond Party
  225. The Best for Luton Party
  226. The Better Britain Party
  227. The Birthday Party
  228. The Brexit Party
  229. The Citizens Movement Party UK
  230. The Common People
  231. The Constitution and Reform Party
  232. The Cornish Democrats
  233. The Cynon Valley Party
  234. The Democratic Party
  235. The Eccentric Party of Great Britain
  236. The Evolution Party
  237. The Independent Group for Change
  238. The Independent Political Alliance Party
  239. The Joy of Talk
  240. The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party
  241. The Just Political Party
  242. The Macclesfield Independent
  243. The Magna Carta Party
  244. The Mitre TW9
  245. The New Party
  246. The New Society of Worth
  247. The North East Party
  248. The Northern Party
  249. The Party for Poole People Ltd.
  250. The Peace Party - Non-violence, Justice, Environment
  251. The Pilgrim Party
  252. The Pluralist Party
  253. The P.N.D.P.
  254. The Principles of Politics Party
  255. The Radical Party
  256. The Realists' Party
  257. The Republican Socialist Party
  258. The Roman Party. Ave
  259. The Science Party
  260. The Scottish Jacobite Party
  261. The Socialist Party of Great Britain
  262. The Southport Party
  263. The Sustainable Population Party
  264. The True English (Poetry) Party
  265. The UK Progressive Democracy Party
  266. The Universal Good Party
  267. The U(niversal) Party
  268. The Whig Party
  269. The Workers' Party
  270. The Yorkshire Party
  271. The Yoruba Party in the UK
  272. The Youth Party
  273. Touch Love Worldwide (UK)
  274. Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
  275. Traditional Unionist Voice
  276. Transform Party
  277. True & Fair Party
  278. Trust
  279. Ubuntu Party
  280. UK Independence Party
  281. UK Voice
  282. Ulster Unionist Party
  283. United Voice
  284. Unity for Peace and Socialism
  285. Vapers In Power
  286. Veterans and People's Party
  287. Virtue Currency Cognitive Appraisal Party
  288. Volt United Kingdom
  289. War Veteran's Pro-Traditional Family Party
  290. We Are The Reality Party
  291. Wessex Regionalists
  292. Women's Equality Party
  293. Workers Party of Britain
  294. Workers Revolutionary Party
  295. World Peace Through Song
  296. Wycombe Independents
  297. Yeshua
  298. Yorkshire First
  299. Young People's Party
  300. You Party
  301. Your Right To Democracy Party Limited