Stone (13 April 2010 - 30 May 2024) Elections

A county constituency in West Midlands, England established as part of the 2010 boundary set.

Geographic code: E14000975

Polling date Election type Winning party Winning candidate Majority Winning candidate vote count Winning candidate vote share Turnout Electorate Votes cast in election
12 December 2019 General election Con CASH, William 19,945 31,687 63.6% 71.8% 69,378 49,843
8 June 2017 General election Con CASH, Bill 17,495 31,614 63.2% 73.8% 67,824 50,032
7 May 2015 General election Con CASH, Bill 16,250 25,733 54.7% 69.8% 67,339 47,031
6 May 2010 General election Con CASH, Bill 13,292 23,890 50.6% 70.4% 67,062 47,229