Cardiff North (13 April 2010 - 30 May 2024) Elections
A borough constituency in Wales established as part of the 2010 boundary set.
Geographic code: W07000051
Polling date | Election type | Winning party | Winning candidate | Majority | Winning candidate vote count | Winning candidate vote share | Turnout | Electorate | Votes cast in election |
12 December 2019 | General election | Lab | MCMORRIN, Anna | 6,982 | 26,064 | 49.5% | 77.0% | 68,438 | 52,666 |
8 June 2017 | General election | Lab | MCMORRIN, Anna | 4,174 | 26,081 | 50.1% | 77.4% | 67,221 | 52,022 |
7 May 2015 | General election | Con | WILLIAMS, Craig | 2,137 | 21,709 | 42.4% | 76.1% | 67,196 | 51,151 |
6 May 2010 | General election | Con | EVANS, Jonathan | 194 | 17,860 | 37.5% | 72.7% | 65,553 | 47,630 |
Constituency area formation
Cardiff North (13 April 2010 - 30 May 2024) formed:
- Part of Cardiff North (31 May 2024 - )