Results for the UK general election on 4 July 2024 Scotland - Elections won by Liberal Democrat

A general election to the 59th Parliament of the United Kingdom with an electorate of 48,253,193, having 28,809,340 valid votes and 116,253 invalid votes.

Read the House of Commons Library briefing.

Constituency Candidate Electorate Turnout Votes Vote share Vote change Majority
Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross STONE, Jamie 74,627 61.7% 22,736 49.4% 15.8% 10,489
Edinburgh West JARDINE, Christine 76,490 68.6% 26,645 50.8% 12.5% 16,470
Inverness, Skye and West Ross-shire MACDONALD, Angus 77,927 61.7% 18,159 37.8% 22.7% 2,160
Mid Dunbartonshire MURRAY, Susan 73,603 71.7% 22,349 42.4% 7.9% 9,673
North East Fife CHAMBERLAIN, Wendy 69,762 61.2% 23,384 54.7% 15.2% 13,479
Orkney and Shetland CARMICHAEL, Alistair 34,236 60.4% 11,392 55.1% 10.2% 7,807

Turnout as calculated by the House of Commons Library, is the total number of votes cast and not spoiled, divided by the size of the electorate.

This was the first election on a new set of constituency boundaries in the whole of the UK. The vote change calculations are based on notional results, which estimate the outcome of the previous election had it been contested on the new boundaries.