Edinburgh North and Leith (12 April 2005 - 30 May 2024) Elections
A burgh constituency in Scotland established as part of the 2005 boundary set.
Geographic code: S14000023
Polling date | Election type | Winning party | Winning candidate | Majority | Winning candidate vote count | Winning candidate vote share | Turnout | Electorate | Votes cast in election |
12 December 2019 | General election | SNP | BROCK, Deidre | 12,808 | 25,925 | 43.7% | 73.0% | 81,336 | 59,344 |
8 June 2017 | General election | SNP | BROCK, Deidre | 1,625 | 19,243 | 34.0% | 71.2% | 79,473 | 56,552 |
7 May 2015 | General election | SNP | BROCK, Deidre | 5,597 | 23,742 | 40.9% | 71.7% | 80,910 | 58,008 |
6 May 2010 | General election | Lab / Co-op | LAZAROWICZ, Mark | 1,724 | 17,740 | 37.5% | 68.4% | 69,207 | 47,356 |
Constituency area formation
Edinburgh North and Leith (12 April 2005 - 30 May 2024) formed: