Results for the UK general election on 4 July 2024 East of England, England - Elections contested by Heritage Party

A general election to the 59th Parliament of the United Kingdom with an electorate of 48,253,193, having 28,809,340 valid votes and 116,253 invalid votes.

Read the House of Commons Library briefing.

Constituency Candidate Electorate Turnout Votes Vote share Vote change Position
Clacton PAPANASTASIOU, Tasos 78,245 58.7% 33 0.1% - 9th
Hertford and Stortford HENSALL, Barry 78,915 68.4% 137 0.3% - 7th
Ipswich CHARLES, Terence 75,396 58.5% 151 0.3% - 7th
Southend East and Rochford ISHERWOOD, Bianca 70,217 56.5% 206 0.5% - 7th
Southend West and Leigh HURLEY, Lara 75,154 62.5% 99 0.2% - 9th
South West Norfolk CONWAY, Gary 74,724 59.3% 160 0.4% - 8th
St Albans MORRISS, Dafydd 72,739 71.0% 104 0.2% - 6th
Watford KNOTT, Sarah 73,100 60.8% 168 0.4% - 7th

Turnout as calculated by the House of Commons Library, is the total number of votes cast and not spoiled, divided by the size of the electorate.

Under section 13(b) of the Representation of the People Act 1985, a candidate gaining 5% or less of the vote share will forfeit their deposit.

This was the first election on a new set of constituency boundaries in the whole of the UK. The vote change calculations are based on notional results, which estimate the outcome of the previous election had it been contested on the new boundaries.