Results for the UK general election on 7 May 2015 Scotland - Elections contested by Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol

A general election to the 56th Parliament of the United Kingdom with an electorate of 46,354,197, having 30,697,525 valid votes and 102,639 invalid votes.

Read the House of Commons Library briefing.

Constituency Candidate Electorate Turnout Votes Vote share Vote change Position
Dundee East PARKER HAMILTON, Lesley 67,822 71.0% 225 0.5% - 6th
Glasgow Central MARRIS, James 70,945 55.4% 171 0.4% - 7th
Glasgow North BENSON, Russell 60,169 61.4% 154 0.4% - 8th
Glasgow North East JOHNSON, Geoff 66,678 56.8% 225 0.6% - 6th
Glasgow North West MACKENZIE, Chris 68,418 64.1% 213 0.5% - 6th
Inverclyde HAMILTON, Craig 59,350 75.2% 233 0.5% - 6th
Paisley and Renfrewshire North DOYLE, Andy 66,206 76.2% 202 0.4% - 6th
Rutherglen and Hamilton West MACLEAN, Yvonne 82,830 69.6% 336 0.6% - 6th

Turnout as calculated by the House of Commons Library, is the total number of votes cast and not spoiled, divided by the size of the electorate.

Under section 13(b) of the Representation of the People Act 1985, a candidate gaining 5% or less of the vote share will forfeit their deposit.