Election for the constituency of Crawley on 12 December 2019

An election to the 58th Parliament of the United Kingdom for the constituency area of Crawley, held as part of the general election on 12 December 2019.

Conservative hold by Henry Smith with a majority of 8,360 - 16.8% - on a turnout of 67.2%.

An electorate of 74,207, having a valid vote count of 49,899 and an invalid vote count of 193.


Name Party Vote Vote share Vote change
SMITH, Henry Con 27,040 54.2% 3.6%
LAMB, Peter Lab 18,680 37.4% -8.3%
YOUSUF, Khalil LD 2,728 5.5% 1.7%
DICKSON, Iain Green 1,451 2.9% -

The writ for this election was issued on 5 November 2019.

Result declared at 04:20 on 13 December 2019. Declarations times do not form part of election declarations and should be regarded as indicative rather than official.

Gain or hold information and vote change percentages are calculated according to changes since the preceding general election and take no account of intervening by-elections. The calculations are based on changes to party performance, rather than the performance of an individual candidate. Where the boundary of a constituency has changed since the preceding general election, the calculations are based on estimated notional results for the new boundaries at the previous election.

Under section 13(b) of the Representation of the People Act 1985, a candidate gaining 5% or less of the vote share will forfeit their deposit.