Washington and Sunderland West (13 April 2010 - 30 May 2024) Elections
A borough constituency in North East, England established as part of the 2010 boundary set.
Geographic code: E14001020
Polling date | Election type | Winning party | Winning candidate | Majority | Winning candidate vote count | Winning candidate vote share | Turnout | Electorate | Votes cast in election |
12 December 2019 | General election | Lab | HODGSON, Sharon | 3,723 | 15,941 | 42.5% | 56.6% | 66,278 | 37,513 |
8 June 2017 | General election | Lab | HODGSON, Sharon | 12,940 | 24,639 | 60.7% | 60.3% | 67,280 | 40,574 |
7 May 2015 | General election | Lab | HODGSON, Sharon | 13,157 | 20,478 | 55.0% | 54.6% | 68,190 | 37,257 |
6 May 2010 | General election | Lab | HODGSON, Sharon | 11,458 | 19,615 | 52.5% | 54.2% | 68,910 | 37,334 |
Constituency area formation
Washington and Sunderland West (13 April 2010 - 30 May 2024) formed: