Eddisbury (13 April 2010 - 30 May 2024) Elections

A county constituency in North West, England established as part of the 2010 boundary set.

Geographic code: E14000686

Polling date Election type Winning party Winning candidate Majority Winning candidate vote count Winning candidate vote share Turnout Electorate Votes cast in election
12 December 2019 General election Con TIMPSON, Edward 18,443 30,095 56.8% 71.9% 73,700 52,971
8 June 2017 General election Con SANDBACH, Antoinette 11,942 29,192 56.9% 73.0% 70,272 51,319
7 May 2015 General election Con SANDBACH, Antoinette 12,974 24,167 51.0% 69.1% 68,569 47,352
6 May 2010 General election Con O'BRIEN, Stephen 13,255 23,472 51.7% 63.0% 72,100 45,414